



Best Poster & Paper

IEEE DTPI 2023 will present the cutting-edge research and technical progress of the rapidly evolving field of digital twinning. The 2023 Conference will follow a distributed hybrid model with physical meetings and presentations in Orlando and online. The conference aims to brings together scholars and industrial practitioners to share scientific and technological advances as well as to gain a deeper understanding of generating digital twins and deriving parallel intelligence. DTPI’s particular topics also include standards, theory, practice, and various vertical applications of DTPI, including smart cities, transportation, energy, robotics, manufacturing, healthcare, spectrum management, etc.
FULL TECHNICAL PAPERS (4-6 pages), original contributions addressing relevant DTPI topics of interest listed in this CFP. Review, Tutorial and Vision papers are also welcome. Full technical papers will be submitted to Manuscript Central under the “DTPI 2023” issue. The papers will also receive consideration for direct publication in IEEE Journal on RFID. Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their work at the DTPI Conference in Orlando.
SPECIAL SESSIONS (by invitation), consisting of contributions to fill a two-hour session on DTPI topics of interest. Session proposals must be submitted electronically via e-mail (nedam@gatech.edu). A total of six accepted proposals will be invited to submit special session contributions. Please refer to the Special Sessions Proposal Guide for details.
EXTENDED ABSTRACTS (1-2 pages), consisting of a lightly reviewed, 1-2 pages abstracts on DTPI topics of interest to be presented in a poster presentation format at the conference.
INDUSTRIAL FORUM & EXHIBITIONS (IF&E), we additionally accept submissions of proposals for tutorials, demonstrations, posters, workshops and talks targeting cutting-edge, industry-centric topics. Trade space is available for discussions and demonstrations
Authors of Published Papers receive peer reviews by technology leaders from the multi-disciplinary IEEE DTPI and Council on RFID community and are enrolled in the IEEE DTPI 2023 Best Paper Competition. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.
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