



Best Poster & Paper

The IEEE DTPI 2023 Poster session provides researchers with opportunities to present their cutting-edge work in an interactive manner in front of an expert audience of academic and industry scientists and engineers from around the world.
Posters can cover preliminary or exploratory work within DTPI research, report smaller projects or results not mature enough for a full paper, or present any other research that would generate discussion and benefit from this open forum. Posters are encouraged in themes relevant to DTPI research including, but not limited to, the conference topic areas.
Thought purposely to encourage networking and give as many researchers as possible the opportunity to share the state of the art of their activities, Poster Session participation requires only a short-abstract submission. The abstract will not be subject to a peer review process but, however, to a rigorous quality/relevance check. Most importantly, any copyright to the abstract will be retained by authors (or their employer) and the abstract will not be published on IEEE Xplore. This allows authors to submit their work and take advantage from the Poster Session opportunity without hindering the future publication on regular conference sessions or journals.
IMPORTANT: to give more visibility to Posters and related activities, after the acceptance, authors will be required to upload the pdf of the Poster and one video lasting 5 minutes summarizing the Poster activities, to use for the virtual attendees and to share on the IEEE Council of RFID video channel.
Authors of accepted papers in the regular conference track who want to disseminate even more their result are encouraged to submit the abstract of their paper to merit consideration for the poster track.
We will provide easels, foam boards, and pins for mounting posters up to 40 inches in width by 30 inches in length (100 cm x 75 cm).